Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Moving Along
Obviously one of the main things when getting married is fiding that place that you are going to live together and be poor. We to save on money, we thought it would be cheaper in the long run to buy a house. Or well we were just thinkin a little single wide trailer! So we found one, and we found out we could get a ten year mortgage on it! BONUS!!! Well we went and looked at it, LOVED it. But then when we got home, we got to crunching numbers. And we probably would either be REALLY tight on money, or not even be able to afford it after a few months. And we didnt want to rent in the first place just simply because you dont see your money back. All you get when you move out is your deposit. But with a house, and you can sometimes even make money on it! So to make a long story short, we decided renting would be the best option right now. So last night we went and looked at an apartment that had really good reviews and was to be honest quiet nice, but of course with quality comes price. And we had to find something that was a two bedroom one bathroom at least because in January Jud would move in to the apartment, where Jessie (his 2nd oldest sister) would move in with him. So that also added to the cost. Well after getting flustered we called it a night. Then this morning Jud decided that we needed to give it another try. So while I was waiting for him to get to my house I started doing some research trying to find apartments in town that were decent and cheap. I mean we're college kids, we need cheap! :]] Once he got to my house we went and looked at numerous apartments. Then Jamie (his 3rd oldest sister) called him and was telling him about an apartment that one of her friends lived in that was by porters. So she met us in town and we went and looked at them. They were ok, but they didnt have a two bedroom one, and they were full until april. So we started looking at our other options. Then Jamie told us we should go look at rentmaster! And its just this little building where they have anything and everything as far as housing goes that you can rent in rexburg! So we looked on their little bulliten board and there was a duplex for $500 bucks a month and an apartment for $475 a month. Both of which were two bedroom one bathroom. So they gave us the keys, and we left to go look at them. First we went and looked at the apartments, we LOVED it, we loved the price even more though! But we decided to check out the duplex also. We went and looked, and while it was big, we didnt know what utlities came with it, or how much it would be to heat it in the winter. We also didnt like how it was layed out, it was just aqward. So we decided to go with the apartment. We went back and filled out and application. We are so excited! All of the walls have been repainted, new carpet, and new tile in the bathroom and kitchen. So once we got our application in we found out that there are two other people who have also put applications in, but they have left them both messages and neither of them have called back to set up a time when they could sign the lease. Then the lady told us that she could probably give us a call sometime around 10 in the morning to tell us when to come in and put our deposit down, and sign the lease! So hopefully we get the apartment and the other guys dont look at their messages! But they said that they could have the apartment ready for Jud and Jessie to move in by January 9th. Originally it was the 10th, but me and Jud start school again on the 11th, so of course moving him would be no fun! So cross your fingers and hope we get that apartment!! I love it! There is lots of storage, a big living room, the bedrooms are good sized, and the clostes are huge. PLUS the kitchen is really big too for an apartment! :]] LOVE it! Can't wait!! I just hope that it all works out!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Welcome Home
Well Jud is home again! Thursday night he surprised me by coming to my house- when I thought he was still in Georiga! On his way home from Chile! I think that is one of the best surprises I have ever gotten! :]] Needless to say wedding plans are going wonderful! We ordered flower girl dresses, and baskets, and some crystals for the lights. All of which are now here! Lexi, Josh and Tish's crazy girl, tried on her dress last night. Its a little big, but super cute! She is going to be the ring bearer, while emma, another one of Jud's nieces and my little cousin Brooklin, are going to be the flower girls! So cute! Me and Jud have also decided to buy a trailer, or manufactured home if you will. We have found one down in Millhollow, a cute little community about a mile down the road from my parents. But the house that we are looking at is going for 14,500 obo. So hopefully we can talk them down on the price! And of course hopefully there isn't too much of a catch! So tomorrow we are going to look at it, and go to banks to discuss getting a loan or a mortgage. So depending on which option and bank suits us best, we will trasfer there, buy the house and live happily ever after! :]] Or so we hope! :]] If we do buy the house, Jud and Jessie will move into it in January when Jud and I start school again, and Jessie will be graduated from Evans on January 19th. So hopefully all works out as planned! It would be awesome if the house works out for us and has what we want! :]] Another thing we are doing tomorrow is going to the cocoabean, and tasting cup cakes for our wedding!! :]] SO excited for that! And lastly, we are going to go check out how much a tux rental is! Which hopefully shouldnt be too bad! :]] Everything is working out nicely, and I sure hope it continues that way! OH also, I finished my second semester at EITC last wednesday! So I am done with School for a month! :]]
Monday, November 30, 2009
A Whole New World
Well Jud is now officially in Chilie. How sad. He left yesterday morning (Sunday) for Salt Lake at 7am. They then got on a plane at 1pm and got to Georgia at 6pm. Then after that he got on another plane at about 9pm last night, and got to chilie this morning about 10am. Now he is a long ways away in a whole new world. He sent me a text telling me that he is ok and that everything is really pretty! I will have to post some pictures when he gets back. On to a happier note, I got my dress saturday! I love it! It's long and white! :]] I also bought Jud's ring and it is being ordered on its way right now! I'm pretty excited for him to see it! Also the bridesmaid dresses should be here sometime this week, which will be awesome so that we can get altering them if need be! But thats the basic update on the wedding and me and Jud!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
It's HERE!

WE'RE ENGAGED!!!!! It finally happened!!! We are both SO happy!!! I have been giggling all night! But after two years it still seems sureal! I'm sure it will sink in though! Before I start talking about a whole bunch of other things I'm gonna tell you how he proposed! Well there is a spot by KFC in Rexburg that we will sometimes go park at and just watch second east and talk. Well we went there and were cuddling and he always plays with the rigs I wear, so when he took off my CTR ring and started playing with it I thought nothing of it. Well pretty soon I feel him slip the ring back on. But it felt different... so I looked at it and sure enough there was my engagement ring! So I turned around and asked him if he was serious! Then he asked me to marry him! Of course I was crying and could do nothing but node my head and kiss him! But he understood! So now its official! We're getting hitched! :]] While we weren't officially engaged we have actually gotten a lot done concerning the wedding! We know our colors, set a date, booked a venue, got ideas for our "cake", ordered brides maid dresses, found a decorator, found and booked a honeymoon suit, he has gotten my ring (obviously), and this saturday when I go wedding dress shopping with my mom and little sister we're going to hopefully find my dress, and get jud's ring! I so can't wait! ALSO we have what we wanna serve at our reception, almost have the center pieces done, (their way simple but SUPER cute!) and I have one of my flower girls lined up, still need to talk to the others mother, AND I have all my brides maid and maid of honor talked to. Jud has his best man, and hopefully his grooms men by tomorrow! I'd say we have a pretty dang good dent in it! But I'll keep it all up dated as best I can right here! Can't wait! Save the date for March 13, 2010! :]]
Friday, November 20, 2009
Coming Soon...
Well a whole bunch has been going on lately between me and judly!!! I don't really want to give anything away yet, but we all know that marriage IS coming! :]] All I'm going to say as of right now is that we have talked to his parents, mine, picked out rings, put money down on the rings, AND kinda set a date. :]] We are doing things kinda backwards. But every couple is different, so we can do it how we want! :]] But anyways, we'll keep you posted on everything, because it will be on here! :]]
Monday, October 26, 2009
A Little History
Me and Jud have known eachother since we were in Sunbeams in church. My parents were our teachers. And I specifically remember that he was the only boy in the class, so of course all of us girls teased him. That was the beginning of a marvelous relationship. Jr. High was the time of a million crushes, and you guessed it. Jud was one of them. In seventh grade we had the same math teacher-Mrs. Barney. We were allowed to work in pairs and we took advantage of it. Jud was always partners with Klassen Stoddard, who is my one of my best friends boyfriends right now, and I was always partners with Natlalie Rogers. Somehow we always ended up forming a wild group that never got any work done until we were yelled at. Since that time I have always had a "thing" for him. It wasnt until our Jr. year of high school and a few coincidences that we were back in the same flirting position. But now we were 16... the time for dating. Of course we took advantage of it and went on our first date Oct. 14, 2007. I remember it so vividly, we went to the haunted mill, held hands, got stuck in the AFEC parking lot due to a car wreck, and flipped ice cream at a car. Young and obnoxious without a care in the world. But before our first date I went and rode with him in the truck on Oct. 10, 2007. His family was in spud harvest and since I have worked on a farm for as long as I can remember I had no problem with this. That was our first kiss. We were eachothers first everything: first hand to hold, first to cuddle with, first kiss, first girlfriend/boyfriend. The next day we were texting and he asked me to be his girlfriend Oct. 11, 2007. Once back in school the news spred like wildfire, but we loved it.
One night I was doing my homework down in our office at my house and Jud called. I answered and was excited to talk to him, but I immediatly noticed that he was crying. I asked what was wrong and he told me that his parents were making us break up, they said we were too young to be dating steadily. I started crying just then. He told me that he didnt care. He still wanted to be with me, and he would wait for me till after graduation and then he would ask me to be his girlfriend again. I readily agreed and told him he could date in the mean time if he would like. Of course he said no and told me likewise, I said the same. The next day at school Jud walked me out to my car for what we thought was the last time for a long time. When we got to my car he said those three famous words, "I Love You." I had been wondering the last little while if that was really what I felt, but hearing him say that made me sure that was what was going on. We loved eachother... but we still weren't dating.
They say true love conqours all. I am a firm believer in that. Me and Jud still held hands, kissed, went on dates and did everything normal couples do. We just weren't "dating." As long as we didn't label it that, his parents really didnt have a problem with far as I know. Graduation came around, and the hype was in the air. We went through the ceremony with no problem, all the while my mind was wondering if he would really ask me to be his girlfriend or if he already just assumed that, because he hadnt said anything since. The ceremony was over and now it was on to the senior lock in. 10:30-4AM, last night in the school. We went had fun, I was hypnotized by the hypnotist and then Jud pulled me into another room, of course I had no idea what he was doing. But then he asked me to be his girlfriend. Butterflies went crazy inside of me! I couldn't have been happier; and everyone knows that I said yes!
We have no been graduated for 6 months and 5 days. I am attending Eastern Idaho Technical College (EITC) to get my LPN and ultimatly my RN while Jud has been working for his dad full time on their farm. In January he is moving down here to Sugar-City to live with his grandparents and start going to school with me, where he will work towards getting his Associates Degree in welding. We can't wait and have some very large and important plans coming up!
One night I was doing my homework down in our office at my house and Jud called. I answered and was excited to talk to him, but I immediatly noticed that he was crying. I asked what was wrong and he told me that his parents were making us break up, they said we were too young to be dating steadily. I started crying just then. He told me that he didnt care. He still wanted to be with me, and he would wait for me till after graduation and then he would ask me to be his girlfriend again. I readily agreed and told him he could date in the mean time if he would like. Of course he said no and told me likewise, I said the same. The next day at school Jud walked me out to my car for what we thought was the last time for a long time. When we got to my car he said those three famous words, "I Love You." I had been wondering the last little while if that was really what I felt, but hearing him say that made me sure that was what was going on. We loved eachother... but we still weren't dating.
They say true love conqours all. I am a firm believer in that. Me and Jud still held hands, kissed, went on dates and did everything normal couples do. We just weren't "dating." As long as we didn't label it that, his parents really didnt have a problem with far as I know. Graduation came around, and the hype was in the air. We went through the ceremony with no problem, all the while my mind was wondering if he would really ask me to be his girlfriend or if he already just assumed that, because he hadnt said anything since. The ceremony was over and now it was on to the senior lock in. 10:30-4AM, last night in the school. We went had fun, I was hypnotized by the hypnotist and then Jud pulled me into another room, of course I had no idea what he was doing. But then he asked me to be his girlfriend. Butterflies went crazy inside of me! I couldn't have been happier; and everyone knows that I said yes!
We have no been graduated for 6 months and 5 days. I am attending Eastern Idaho Technical College (EITC) to get my LPN and ultimatly my RN while Jud has been working for his dad full time on their farm. In January he is moving down here to Sugar-City to live with his grandparents and start going to school with me, where he will work towards getting his Associates Degree in welding. We can't wait and have some very large and important plans coming up!
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