Monday, August 29, 2011

Up and Coming

I can't believe how much everything has changed since we have had Raiden. He has been such an amazing little boy! I can't wait to see what the future brings! He is so smart and I couldn't have gotten any more lucky to have this little spirit in my life and in our family. It still amazes me everyday that the Lord loved us enough and trusted us enough to send his most precious little ones to us in this day and age. I can definatly tell he is going to be stubborn and a strong little man. But for now I don't mind one bit that he depends on me for every single little thing. I love feeling needed and wanted; and when he looks back at me, even after I mess up or forget to do something, or even do something wrong, I can still see how incredibly much he loves me. My mother-in-law, Robyn, always tells me that it is the purest love; and its SO true. He is so innocent right now, and doenst hold any grudges, or remember something that I did wrong. He just accepts how things are and goes with it. Sometimes I wish I could be more like him. HA I want to be like my baby when I grow up! Think about it! Things would be so much more easier; the world would probably be a much better place if we all just relaxed and went with the flow!

This summer has been incredibly busy with Jud's work schedule and just life! Between keeping up on the house, working here an there for some family friends, and trying to squeeze in some family time, it has been nuts! But here are a few pics from about a month ago for a couple updates!

Well I have just been absolutely awful at keeping this blog updated, hopefully I will get better with with time. Well some updates! Raiden is rolling!! It's so amazing to see this little man continually learning and learning and LEARNING! I can't believe how much he has learned already! He is getting pretty good with using his thumbs; and is loving being able to hold onto rattles and fun little toys.

Raiden was blessed 8/7/11. What an experience! I know I know, your thinking... ABOUT TIME! But hey 4 months old isn't too bad.. it could have been later! But seeing my little boy held by his amazing father and almost all of his uncles, grandfathers, and great grandfathers was amazing! He is so loved! It was such a big circle. Thanks everyone! Jud gave such an awesome blessing. We were even able to write it down, and with some help of my amazing sister in law, Jenny Baker, we put his blessing on a cute little picture of him that she took that day! What a handsome boy!

Well hopefully I will get better at this updating thing because life is starting to give us some new surprises! A couple weeks ago we bought a new car! It's so awesome! We traded in our tahoe to get a new 2001 yukon! I'm so glad that we got rid of the Tahoe, it was SO unsafe for our little man! Then because we are almost done paying off snap on, we are buying a house!!! We put an off in last saturday and we should hear something back in the next couple days. So they will either accept our offer; or counter it. I sure just hope they take it! We love it, and it has TONS of storage and a garage!! What could be better? It needs a really good cleaning, and some paint. But other than that, it will be perfect for us! It has so much potential and so much character! We already have so many ideas for it!

Well I guess my next blog will be about whether or not we got the house and our futur plans! So stay tuned! :]]